Saturday, November 20, 2010

Quotations for Consideration

OK, I thought I would make a topic for quotations anyone might have. This way when you think of it you will have a place to write it down right away and not forget it. If possible site the source of your quotation.


  1. The book I am reading is called Understanding Galatians and the law by Charles F. Baker and the quote I would like to offer is:

    "The Galatian epistle was written to combat legalism, one of the most insidious of all religious errors. Legalism is insidious because it appeals to man's pride. It deceives man into believing he can justify himself before God by his own works of righteousness."

  2. And then I will contribute this one who it is unknown who said it:

    "If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for."

    Now I will take a break....;o)

  3. Lovin' 'em Randy!!! Thanks heaps!

  4. This is a phrase that is popular around my church and I thought I would submit it for consideration in the next Dispatch.

    Only one life, ’twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.

  5. This is a quote from a book I am currently reading title "M.A.D * about Hebrews * Mid-Acts Dispensational" by Terence D. McLean

    "Religion, by definition, is that performance required by God whereby mankind assuages God's wrath or garners God's favor. Christianity is not a religion, it is a faith, believing that Jesus Christ has done everything necessary to assuage God's wrath and to garner God's favor on our behalf."
